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Building a Social Movement

What do I mean when I say we want to start a social movement?

Movement building is organizing and motivating people to work towards a collective vision or cause that is important to the community. I want to be clear: DRIVE alone can’t create a social movement, but we can play a significant role in sparking one. It’s going to take multiple initiatives, community-based organizations, institutions, and most importantly, community members, to build a sustainable movement. 

What DRIVE brings to the table includes: 

A) a collection of initiatives intentionally linked to enhance each other’s capacity, 

B) partnerships with community-based organizations (CBOs) that engage with adult and youth community members weekly, 

C) the ability to secure funding to support the cause,

D) the expertise to support the overall work with measurement, evaluation, learning, and program-level knowledge.

As mentioned earlier, it will “take a village” to truly develop a sustainable movement. We are still in the early stages, but the possibilities are very exciting. Everyone reading this message, and even those who don't yet know about DRIVE, will be the driving force behind building this social movement.

Fresno is primed for this.

We can do it! ¡Sí se puede!

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